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News From The BBC

An Igbo Perspective

Agaghị akwụsị ịkwa mgbọ na Gaza ruo mgbe Hamas wepụtara aha ndị ha ji eji - Israel
Nchịkọta akụkọ ndị kachasị mkpa mere na mbaụwa n'ọnwa Jenụwarị 2025.

Ị maara ihe dị iche n'etiti mmanya nkwụ na mmanya ngwọ?
Mmemme ọbụla a na-eme n'ala Igbo anaghị ezu oke ma ọ bụrụ na mmanya na-aba n'anya adịghị, ọ kachasị mmanya nkwụ na mmanya ngwọ.

Nhiwe Agụnaechemba, mmachi ịgwọ ọgwu 'okeite' na ụzọ ndị gọọmentị Anambra ji ebuso ndị ekperima agha
Gọvanọ Chukwuma Soludo ehiwela otu nchekwa ọhụru 'Agụnaechemba', machie ịgwọ 'okeite' iji buo agha megide ndị ekperima na steetị Anambra.

Ebidoro m iti ịgba n'oge m dị obere n'ọgbakọ ụmụaka 'block rosary' - Nazzy Drums
Nwada na-eti ịgba aha ya bụ Chinaza Elizabeth Amaobi e ji 'Nazzy Drums' maara akọwaala mmasị o nwere n'iti ịgba na etu o siri malite.

A malitere m iti egwu na nwata - Rosemary Chukwu
Rosemary Chukwu Onumaegbu ọgụụ egwu ụka a ma ama gwara BBC Igbo na ya kwenyeburu n'ihe niile ndị Ụkọchukwu mgbe mbụ kụziiri ya na mmadụ ịchọ mma bụ mmehie.

Nne na nna m chere na m na-eme ihe abaghị uru oge m malitere ime ihe ngosi - Marahchi
Marahchi kwuru na ya malitere ime ihe ngosi oge Gọọmenti Naịjirịa gbachiri obodo niile n'ihi ntiwapụ ọrịa covid-19.

Etu agha ọnwa iri na ise siri gbanwee ndụ ndị bi na Gaza n'ike
Ndị Gaza nwere olileanya na nkwụsị ikwa mgbọ nke ugbua ga-eweta udo, mana otu mbaụwa bụ United Nations na-adọ aka na ntị na o nwereike iwe ọtụtụ afọ tupu mpaghara ahụ enweta onwe ha nke ọma.

Etu e si chọta ụmụaka atọ ahụ a tọọrọ n'Abakpa Enugwu Steeti kamgbe ọnwa Nọvemba 2024
Nne na nna ụmụaka atọ a tọọrọ n'Enugwu steeti ekwuputala ka obi dị ha ma kpọọ oku ka gọọmenti na ndị ọrụ nchekwa nyeere ha aka.

Ọ bụ ụlọ m rụrụ ọhụrụ ka ogbunigwe a gbariri - Onye nwe ụlọ ogbunigwe gbariri n'Imo Steeti
Ndị nwe ụlọ ahụ lara n'iyi oge ogbunigwe dara n'Imo steeti bụ Maazị Ike Austine na nwunye ya bụ Amarachi Ike ekwuola ezi mwute ha n'ajọ ọdachi ahụ dakwasịrị ha.

Agha Izrel na Gaza: Ajụjụ a na-achọ ọsịsa ya gbasara nkwekọrịta ịkwụsị ịkwa mgbọ
Mba Izrel na Hamas enweela nkwekọrịta n'usoro ịkwụsị ịkwa mgbọ

E nwere onye Ebuka Obi tụrụ mkpọrọ?
Onye ozi ọma a ma ama bụ Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi ekwuola banyere otu nwoke e kwuru na ọ tụrụ mkpọrọ maka ikwuto ya

"Timileyin Ajayi gburu Salome nwa anyị abụghị ọyị ya nwoke, anyị amaghị onye ọ bụ"
Timileyin Ajayi bụbu onye otiegwu ụka Kraịst a na-ebo ebubo na o gburu Salome Adaidu bụ ọyị ya nwaanyị ma bepu isi ya.

Etu ụkọ ego na ọnọdụ siri ike si emetụta ndị na-akpa anụmanụ
Ndị nwere ụmụ anụmanụ akọwaala etu ọnọdụ obibi ndụ ọjọọ na-akawanye njọ na Naịjirịa si emetụta ha n’oge a.

Tinubu ekeleela Azuta-Mbata tuuru ugo dịka Onyeisi Ọhanaeze Ndigbo
Nke a dị n'ozi e bipụtara n'akara ọbaozi obi ọchịchị Naịjirịa n'ụbọchị Fraịde 10 Jenụwarị 2025.

Local Housing

This is one of the main issues facing local people. The inadequacy of social housing stock continues to be the main concerns of local people. And it is getting worst.

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Drugs And Illegal Substances

Taking illegal drug is always fraught with danger. You don't need me to tell you that - your grand mother will say the same. The high very often tend to perpetual low that you will never get out from. Get advise now before it is too late

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Knife Attacks

Who goes around with a knive as weapon of protection is deluded. It will inevitably be your comeuppance. Just in case you do not understand, it will kill you. There is no justification for carrying a knive excerpt when you are foraging in the jungle.

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Gang Culture

We were all young once - doing things adults will frown upon. This was at school or in the play grounds. But as we grew up, people we wanted to associate with start to shrink in numbers as our brain matured correspondingly and as a result doing the right thing. Pick your friends judiciously.

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Local Parks

From a personal experience - the local park is a refuge for meditation,physical exploration and mental rejuvination. Just go for a slow run and see how you feel afterwards. Physical and mentally rewarding. Don't just take my words for it - it is a scientific fact. Please do try it.

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24/7 Support

We are your one stop local solution advocate. Dont't carry all that weight on your own we are here to not only relief some of it, but to help you get back to you again.

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