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News From The BBC

An Igbo Perspective

Etu ndị a ma ama si kwanyere Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu ugwu ikpeazụ
Ezinaụlọ ya kwuru na ọ nwụrụ dịka ọrịachara ọrịa obere oge.

Nye ndị uweojii aha gị na njirimara gị tupu ị mee ngagharịiwe - Kayode Egbetokun
Ndị kwadoro na ndị akwadoghi ngagharịiwe ndị ntorọbịa na-akwado ime.

Jaydee Bombshell: Ndị Igbo kwesịrị ị na-akwado onwe ha maka na ugbua bụ oge ha
Mkparịtaụka otiegwu a ma ama bụ Jaydee Bombshell na BBC Igbo

Ihe ndị na-akwado ime ngagharịiwe chọrọ n'aka gọọmenti
Kedụ ihe ndị ntoroọbịa na-achọ, onye bbu ndị ndu ngagharị iwe August 1 ha na-eme? Chọpụta ya niile ebe a.

Gịnị ka “Gwo gwo gwo ngwo” egwu Mike Ejeagha a na-ewu ewu pụtara?
"Gwo gwo gwo ngwo" bụ ukwe egwu akụkọ ifo otiegwu Mike Ejeagha ji tie egwu nke malitere iwu mgbe Brainjotter na-akpaọchi ji ya mee ihe onyonyo.

South East Development Commission na uru ọ ga-abara mpaghara Ọwụwa Anyanwụ
Onyeisiala Bola Tinubu tinyere aka n'akwụkwọ iwu nke ga-ahụ na e hiwere ụlọọrụ South East Development Commission (SEDC).

Aga m akpụpụ Bayo Onanuga n'ụlọikpe ma ọ bụrụ na ọ rịọghị m mgbaghara - Peter Obi
Peter Obi gwara Bayo Onanuga ka ọ gaa n'ihu kwugharị okwu ahụ o kwuru ma rịọ ya mgbaghara.

Gịnị butere esemookwu n’etiti Dangote na ndị ọchịchị Naịjirịa?
Ọ bụrụ ma enye Dangote ntụkwasaobi ọ chọrọ iji mee ka ụlọorụ nshipụta mmanụ ya tolite ma mụbaa, ọ ga-abụ ihe a ga-eji dọbata ndị na-azụ ahịa na Naịjirịa.

Kamala Harris na ndị ọzọ nwereike ịnọchi anya Joe Biden n'ịzọ ọkwa Onyeisiala Amerịka
Ndị pati Democrats ga-eme ntuliaka n’ọgbakọ ha n’ọnwa ọzọ iji họpụta onye ga-efe ọkọlọtọ ha nakwa osote ya.

Ugwọọnwa opekatampe N70,000 enweghi ebe ọ ga-eruru anyị - Ndị ọrụ Bekee
Ụfọdụ ndị ọrụ Bekee ekwuola uche ha banyere mkpebi gọọmentị na ndịisi ha nwere maka ịkwụ ha ụgwọọnwa opekatampe puku naịra iri asaa.

Ị maara uru nwa nwoke bara n'ezinaụlọ n'ala Igbo?
Chọpụta ihe mere omenala ndị Igbo ji nwe ugwu puruiche nye nwa nwoke.

Ndị Afrịka isii ga-ewu ewu n'egwuregwu Olimpik 2024 na Paris
Ndị Afrịka a na-eleanya ga-enweta ọla dị iche iche n'egwuregwu Plimpik na Paris

Paris Olympics 2024 tebụlụ na-egosi ọla ndị e riterela
Tebụlụ a na-egosi ọla ole ndị na-ama aka n'egwuregwu riterela n'Olimpik Paris 2024

Local Housing

This is one of the main issues facing local people. The inadequacy of social housing stock continues to be the main concerns of local people. And it is getting worst.

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Drugs And Illegal Substances

Taking illegal drug is always fraught with danger. You don't need me to tell you that - your grand mother will say the same. The high very often tend to perpetual low that you will never get out from. Get advise now before it is too late

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Knife Attacks

Who goes around with a knive as weapon of protection is deluded. It will inevitably be your comeuppance. Just in case you do not understand, it will kill you. There is no justification for carrying a knive excerpt when you are foraging in the jungle.

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Gang Culture

We were all young once - doing things adults will frown upon. This was at school or in the play grounds. But as we grew up, people we wanted to associate with start to shrink in numbers as our brain matured correspondingly and as a result doing the right thing. Pick your friends judiciously.

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Local Parks

From a personal experience - the local park is a refuge for meditation,physical exploration and mental rejuvination. Just go for a slow run and see how you feel afterwards. Physical and mentally rewarding. Don't just take my words for it - it is a scientific fact. Please do try it.

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24/7 Support

We are your one stop local solution advocate. Dont't carry all that weight on your own we are here to not only relief some of it, but to help you get back to you again.

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