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An Igbo Perspective

Etu e si kpụpụ Loveth Helen n'ụlọikpe maka ịgba ama 'ihe ịrịbaama ụgha' n'ụlọekpere Ebuka Obi
Akụkọ kwuru na Loveth Helen Alo gara n’ụlọkpere ‘Zion Ministry’ dị na Legọs n’ọnwa Febụwarị 2025 ma gbaa ama na ọ zụtara ụlọ karịrị nde narị abụọ.

Sịnetọ Natasha ewegala ikpe ya n'ọgbakọ ndị omeiwu mba ụwa 'United Nations'
Sịnetọ Natasha bụ onye ụlọ omeiwu Sịnetị Naịjirịa nkwụsịrị ọrụ ọnwa isii, gwara ọgbakọ UN ahụ ka ha nyere ya aka mee ka ụlọ omeiwu Naịjirịa mee ihe ziriezi.

Mba Amerịka ejikerela inye Rọshịa nkwekọrịta nkwụsị ọgụ ụbọchị 30
Nchịkọta akụkọ ndị kachasị mkpa mere na mbaụwa n'ọnwa Maachị 2025.

Etu ndị uweojii siri wakpoo ogige mkporindụ m - Onye hibere De Latinos Concept Ụmụahịa
Ọ bụ n'abalị Sọnde 9 Maachị 2025 ka a wakporo ogige mkporindụ a ma ama bụ De Latinos Concept dị n'Ụmụahịa.

Etu ndị ụka Kraịst ga-esi chọpụta nke bụ ndị amụma ụgha - Ebuka Obi
Onye oziọma a ma ama bụ Ebuka Obi akọwaala etu ndị na-ekpere Kraịst ga-esi achọpụta ndị bụ ndị amụma ụgha.

Ọ bụghị eziokwu na ọkaikpe John Tsoho wezugara onwe ya n'ikpe Nnamdi Kanu - Ejimakor
Ọkaiwu Nnamdi Kanu bụ Aloy Ejimakor ekwuola na ọ bụghị eziokwu na Ọkaikpe John Tsoho wezugara onwe ya n'ikpe Nnamdi Kanu.

Etu e si lie ụmụaka atọ ahụ si n'otu ezinaụlọ e gburu ma tinye ozu ha n'igwe njụoyi n'Anambra Steeti
N'ụbọchị Satọde 1 Febụwarị, 2025 ka onye maọbụ ndị a maghị bịara gbuo ụmụaka a ma tinye ozu n'igwe njụoyi.

Ụmụnwaanyị Eha-Amufu emeela ngagharịiwe maka arụ ha sị ndị ọchiehi na-akpasa ha
A gbachiri ụlọahịa na ụlọakwụkwọ niile dị n'obodo ndị ahụ ụmụnwaanyị na-eme ngagharịiwe.

Aga m eji ọkwa m dịka Imam na National Mosque wetere ndị Igbo ihe ọma - Iliyasu Usman Ogbonnaya Onah
Ọkammụta Iliyasu Usman Ogbonnaya Onah, bụ nwafọ Igbo mbụ ga-eji ọkwa Imam n'ụlọ okpukperechi Alakụba 'National Mosque' dị n'Abuja.

Etu ndị mmadụ si eri uju maka ọnwụ Doyin Okupe
Akụkọ Donyin Okupe bụ onye ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị a maama nwụrụ mgbe ọ dị afọ 72

Pope Francis ekwupụtala okwu mbụ ya kamgbe izuụka atọ ọ nọ n'ute ọrịa n'ụlọọgwụ
Nke a bụ mbụ a ga-anụ olu Pope n'ọha kamgbe ọ banyere n'ụlọọgwụ maka ọrịa iku ume.

Sịnetọ Natasha ewegala ikpe ya n'ọgbakọ ndị omeiwu mba ụwa 'United Nations'
Sịnetọ Natasha bụ onye ụlọ omeiwu Sịnetị Naịjirịa nkwụsịrị ọrụ ọnwa isii, gwara ọgbakọ UN ahụ ka ha nyere ya aka mee ka ụlọ omeiwu Naịjirịa mee ihe ziriezi.

Ihe anyị ma maka obodo a sị na ndị na-achị ehi wakporo n'Enugwu steeti
Etu e siri wakpoo otu obodo n'okpuruọchịchị Udi, dị n'Enugwu steeti

Local Housing

This is one of the main issues facing local people. The inadequacy of social housing stock continues to be the main concerns of local people. And it is getting worst.

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Drugs And Illegal Substances

Taking illegal drug is always fraught with danger. You don't need me to tell you that - your grand mother will say the same. The high very often tend to perpetual low that you will never get out from. Get advise now before it is too late

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Knife Attacks

Who goes around with a knive as weapon of protection is deluded. It will inevitably be your comeuppance. Just in case you do not understand, it will kill you. There is no justification for carrying a knive excerpt when you are foraging in the jungle.

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Gang Culture

We were all young once - doing things adults will frown upon. This was at school or in the play grounds. But as we grew up, people we wanted to associate with start to shrink in numbers as our brain matured correspondingly and as a result doing the right thing. Pick your friends judiciously.

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Local Parks

From a personal experience - the local park is a refuge for meditation,physical exploration and mental rejuvination. Just go for a slow run and see how you feel afterwards. Physical and mentally rewarding. Don't just take my words for it - it is a scientific fact. Please do try it.

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24/7 Support

We are your one stop local solution advocate. Dont't carry all that weight on your own we are here to not only relief some of it, but to help you get back to you again.

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